Runnin' Out of Real Estate

Runnin’ Out of Real Estate

Soooo, my belly has popped WAY faster this time around. I have no belly button, it just doesn’t exist, no even as an “outie.” So I’ve had to move my pump site to my sides much quicker than I thought…

Why I blocked you from my FB feed

I used to read a couple very well-known, popular birthing websites. I also have some friends who are very pro-this and anti-that, so they post a lot of articles pertaining to that subject. For a time it was nice to…

Appt #13 – OB

(24 weeks) Can I just say that medical students really kill me sometimes? The last 3 times I’ve been to my OB, he has a different med student with him. The student comes in first (without the OB), all dressed…

Sometimes People are Cool :-)

I have to say this pregnancy, people have been much kinder to me as compared to my first preggo experience.  I think God knows how fragile my mental state is at this time and He places lovely people in my path…

What’s That Like?

I want to look at food, especially sweets and carb-heavy delights and not think “I wonder how many carbs that is….I wonder how that will affect my blood sugar…how much insulin would it take…will I regret eating this.” I wonder…

Appt #12 – Little heart’s a growin’

I went in for fetal echo (in-depth ultrasound of baby’s heart) and another growth ultrasound today. I was so nervous (big shocker) to find out the size of the baby. I had a dream that she was measuring over 2…

June 23, 1994

Written by 13 year old me for my freshmen English class:   “It was the closest I had ever come to dying. It was the 23rd of June and I had just come out of a seven hour back surgery….

Appt #11 – OB

(22 weeks) I was able to see the nurse practitioner at my OB office today for my routine visit. She is a super sweet older gal that I saw a handful of times with my first preggo. She walked in,…



Got a call about my labs. Current A1c: 6.7% I’m mixed about it. Happy of course, but know I should be lower. At this point in my last pregnancy my A1c was 5.8%. Yikes. At the start of this pregnancy…

Appt #10 – Endo

Off to see my favorite endo again today. Nothing spectacular to report, he was pleased with my numbers. Made some small changes to my basal rates and essentially gave me a pat on the back. I got my blood drawn…