Appt #29 – OB (throwing away my to-do list)
Finally passed the 34 week mark!! Had a busy weekend working on the baby room and hanging with the fam. It also came with a great deal of Braxton Hicks contractions, some of them quite intense. I’ve had to take…
Basal Rate Fun
The last couple mornings have been really bad. Waking up with blood sugars between 138-150. Then it takes 2-3 hours to bring that number down to an acceptable level so I can eat breakfast. The first morning I thought maybe…
Appt #19 – Endo
Not much to report, as usual. All my labs went thru my OB this time and all came back normal. A1c was 6.4% which is up from 6.3% last month. Endo adjusted my overnight basal once again. He feels I’m…
Sometimes there just aren’t enough rocks
We went up north for the weekend, up to the lovely pines, highs in the 70’s. It was gorgeous. Once we arrived, I noticed it was a little harder to breathe. No surprise though, given the altitude and my preggo…
Discouraged part 2
Sooo since Tuesday’s growth ultrasound was so much fun, Wednesday and Thursday decided to join in the mix and make my week even more enjoyable. (I hope you’re sensing the sarcasm). Wednesday AM I was sitting playing with my daughter,…
Discouraged (Appt #16- growth ultrasound)
(27 weeks) Eyes red, head pounding, heart defeated….. Had another growth ultrasound today and baby is measuring on the big side. Her head and humerus are normal range. Her abdomen is massive….over 97th percentile. Her femur is measuring a…
If you haven’t seen this story already, I encourage you to read it: Hey, Miss Idaho… Anytime someone can bring type 1 diabetes into the limelight in a positive manner, I’m all for it. Like Miss Idaho, I started with…
Appt #14 – Endo
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, LOVE MY ENDO. All went well, he adjusted my overnight basal rate again. Said I should just be pregnant all the time because I have better sugars while preggo. Well yeah I’m…

Runnin’ Out of Real Estate
Soooo, my belly has popped WAY faster this time around. I have no belly button, it just doesn’t exist, no even as an “outie.” So I’ve had to move my pump site to my sides much quicker than I thought…
What’s That Like?
I want to look at food, especially sweets and carb-heavy delights and not think “I wonder how many carbs that is….I wonder how that will affect my blood sugar…how much insulin would it take…will I regret eating this.” I wonder…