Discouraged part 2
Sooo since Tuesday’s growth ultrasound was so much fun, Wednesday and Thursday decided to join in the mix and make my week even more enjoyable. (I hope you’re sensing the sarcasm). Wednesday AM I was sitting playing with my daughter,…
Discouraged (Appt #16- growth ultrasound)
(27 weeks) Eyes red, head pounding, heart defeated….. Had another growth ultrasound today and baby is measuring on the big side. Her head and humerus are normal range. Her abdomen is massive….over 97th percentile. Her femur is measuring a…
Appt #15 – OB….again
(26 weeks) Again, another dang med student. Spent the first 15 minutes of the visit being interviewed by him. So many questions, including “So how’s your home life? Anything you need to share with me about that?” And, “I see…
Appt #14 – Endo
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, LOVE MY ENDO. All went well, he adjusted my overnight basal rate again. Said I should just be pregnant all the time because I have better sugars while preggo. Well yeah I’m…

Runnin’ Out of Real Estate
Soooo, my belly has popped WAY faster this time around. I have no belly button, it just doesn’t exist, no even as an “outie.” So I’ve had to move my pump site to my sides much quicker than I thought…
Appt #13 – OB
(24 weeks) Can I just say that medical students really kill me sometimes? The last 3 times I’ve been to my OB, he has a different med student with him. The student comes in first (without the OB), all dressed…
Appt #12 – Little heart’s a growin’
I went in for fetal echo (in-depth ultrasound of baby’s heart) and another growth ultrasound today. I was so nervous (big shocker) to find out the size of the baby. I had a dream that she was measuring over 2…
Appt #11 – OB
(22 weeks) I was able to see the nurse practitioner at my OB office today for my routine visit. She is a super sweet older gal that I saw a handful of times with my first preggo. She walked in,…

Got a call about my labs. Current A1c: 6.7% I’m mixed about it. Happy of course, but know I should be lower. At this point in my last pregnancy my A1c was 5.8%. Yikes. At the start of this pregnancy…
Appt #10 – Endo
Off to see my favorite endo again today. Nothing spectacular to report, he was pleased with my numbers. Made some small changes to my basal rates and essentially gave me a pat on the back. I got my blood drawn…