Appt #3 – OB
(7 weeks) Got my labs back. I’m not very pleased. A1c: 7.2 Freakin’ 7.2. True it is an average over the last 3 months, which would include food-heavy holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. But still. I was…
So far I’m not exactly enjoying this pregnancy. With my first, I really didn’t find it too difficult to control my sugars, especially in the beginning. I had no nausea, no stomach trouble, I wasn’t all that tired, I was motivated,…
Appt #2 — Endo
I’ve had this discomfort on the left side of my throat for the last week or 2. Super annoying, sometimes it makes it hard to sleep. I feel a sort of lump, especially when I turn my head a certain…
I’m having one of those days. I had been cruising pretty good, focusing on beast mode, not getting too many lows and even fewer highs. Monday had other plans for me. I went to bed Sunday night with BS 108….
Save the Drama…
I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that maybe I’m not a mom’s mom. I don’t really enjoy play dates, I don’t read mom blogs, I don’t have the desire to make cool things for M off pinterest…
Any diabetic who’s thought about getting pregnant has that fear, “what if I can’t control my sugars? What if the thought/fear of complications isn’t enough to make me get hardcore about my blood sugar?” I know I had those thoughts….
Appt #1 — OB
(4 weeks) Clammy hands, sweaty pits, chest pounding….yeah I was nervous. It didn’t matter that I’d been preggo before. I knew the routine, there should be no surprises. It didn’t matter that I was familiar with the Dr and the…
The Results Are In….
So for the past week I’ve been getting these cramps. Smack dab in the middle of the night, cramps that wake you up, wring out your insides, twist you up and then disappear as suddenly as they came. Takes a…
Happy Anniversary
This February marks my 19th year of being diagnosed with type 1. I’ve lived more of my life with diabetes than without. It comes with mixed emotions. I’m not a fan of this condition. It’s not fun. It’s constant work….